Now this file might look different than the beta but, calm down, it is actually quite easy to tweak and surprisingly well commented. Most settings tell you what they do. Right after capping my framerate to 30 I am going to reduce the corpse count to 0. Which will dramatically reduce the amount of corpses on the ground… this is especially important for the zombie mode. And here is an interesting new one, this controls the percentage of video memory to be used by the game. As you can see by the comment it can be reduced to 0.75 which means 75% of the memory so we will do just that. If you want to experiment with the resolution you can do so on this line over here. You may want to change into windowed mode for it to work properly. Since this game has a decent internal resolution control I might not need it but if you are still experiencing low performance feel free to experiment with it. Now, here we are on the graphics section. As I once said for the beta many of the parameters here work backwards. The higher the number the lower the quality. No clue why. At least the file comments let us know that. There are some values on the final game that are not as low as they could be. For example, we can reduce TextureQualityFX by putting it to 15 and TextureQualityProbes to 16. Down here we can force textures mips to stay loaded to avoid streaming by putting this variable to 1. Then we have our good friend shadow resolution. As the comment indicate we can gain performance by putting both shadow types to its minimum resolution possible, 128. Here are some lightning options that we did not saw on the beta, you can reduce the samples for sunlight and local lights to 1 on these two variables. With all these changes done, save the file and let´s do some testing. I have no idea what happened there. All in all, I am a little disappointed. In the beta version of this game your could reduce the quality of meshes all the way until you had the most atrocious graphical glitches. Not here anymore, it seems they have fixed it. Probably in the eyes of the developer that was probably a glitch or something to be corrected. For me, that was a feature. Oh well. At least overall performance is... oh. Mmm... At least overall performance is better than in the beta so with it all compensates I guess. I have not seen an enemy in a while. That is very alarming. Boop. There you go. Oh! That was accidental, but it worked. Either this team is really good or I am really lost because there is nothing here for me to shoot at. I think I am missing something. Oh, so that is how the beast looks like... woooh... That is much scarier than expected. I am never going to do that.