Figs. 7–8 Myxobolus bliccae plasmodia (p). 7. Young plasmodium with some matured spores in the central part of a filament of a white bream. The plasmodium is located close to the cartilaginous gill ray (r) of the filament. Lamellae of the infected filament (small
arrows) are shorter than the lamellae (arrowheads) of the neighbouring filaments. 8. Plasmodia (p) in the gill filaments of a small white bream surrounded by multiple layers of epithelioid cells (e) showing the symptoms of clubbing. Arteries in the cartilaginous
gill arch (ga) are filled by blood cells. Uninfected filaments (f) bear normal lamellae. Histological sections (H & E.). Scale-bars: 7,
100 lm; 8, 200 lm