. Conclusion
The growth in the population and urbanization has led to an increase in the amount of MSW
generation. Since the developing countries or low-income countries do not have a sufficient government
budget, non-sanitary and uncontrolled landfill is normally used as the MSW disposal method, which leads
to negative effects on the environment and human health. One of the promising methods of MSW
management is to reduce the amount of MSW by MSW separation. However, the regulations for MSW
separation in developing countries are not as strict as those in developed countries; each LAO should
promote MSW separation activities in the community. For the local community with less than 5 tons per
day MSW, the MSW to be disposed accounts for approximately 2.5 tons per day after effective MSW.
The proper technology for the disposal of MSW in a rural area is controlled air incineration integrated
with downdraft gasification. This combined technology has a dominant advantage in terms of reducing
operation costs. The producer gas obtained from the gasification process can be used as a substitute for
fossil fuel in the controlled air incinerator. The central government should support the LAO in terms of
financial funds in order to invest in the necessary technology because MSW management is the
responsibility of the government.