Objectives: The ability to perform a context-free 3-dimensional multiple object tracking (3D-MOT) task has been highly related to athletic performance.
In the present study, we assessed the transferability of a perceptual-cognitive 3D-MOT training from a laboratory setting to a soccer field, a sport in which the capacity to correctly read the dynamic visual scene is a prerequisite to performance.
Design: Throughout pre- and post-training sessions, we looked at three essential skills (passing, dribbling, shooting) that are used to gain the upper hand over the opponent.
Method: We recorded decision-making accuracy during small-sided games in university-level soccer
players (n ¼ 23) before and after a training protocol.
Experimental (n ¼ 9) and active control (n ¼ 7)
groups were respectively trained during 10 sessions of 3D-MOT or 3D soccer videos. A passive control group (n ¼ 7) did not received any particular training or instructions.
Results: Decision-making accuracy in passing, but not in dribbling and shooting, between pre- and postsessions was superior for the 3D-MOT trained group compared to control groups.
This result was correlated with the players' subjective decision-making accuracy, rated after pre- and post-sessions through a visual analogue scale questionnaire.
Conclusions: To our knowledge, this study represents the first evidence in which a non contextual,perceptual-cognitive training exercise has a transfer effect onto the field in athletes.