Maui and Hina dwelf together,and to tham were born four sons,whose names were Maui-mua,Maui-kiikii,and Maui-o-ka-lana. These four were fishermen. One morning,just as the edge of the Sun lifted ifself up; Maui-mua roused his brethren to go fishing. So they launched their canoe from the beach at Kaupo,on the island of Maui,where they were dwelling,and proceeded to the fishing ground. Having arrived there, they were beginning to fish, when Maui-o-ka-lana saw the light of a fire on the shore they had left, and said to lris brethren: "behold, there is a fire burning. Whose can this fire be?"
And they answered; "Whose, indeed? Let us return to the shore,thet we may get our food cooked; but first let us get some fish."
So, after they had obtained some fish, they turn toward the shore; and when the canoe touched the beach Maui-mua leaped ashore and ran toward the spot where the fire had been burning. Now, the curly-tailed alae (mud-hens) were the keepers of the fire; and when they saw him coming they scratched the fire out and flew away. Maui-mua was defeated, and returned to the house to his brethren.
Then said they to him: "How about the fire?"
"How,indeed?" he answered, "When I got there, behold, there was no fire; it was out. I supposed some man had the fire, and behold, it was not so; the alas are the proprietors of the fire, and our bananas are all stoten."
When they heard that, they were filled with anger, and decided not to go fishing again, but to wait for the next appearance of the fire. But after many days had passed without theri seeing the fire, they went fishing again, and behold, there was a fire! And they were continually tantalized. Oniy when they were out fishing would the fire appear, and when they returned they conuld not find it.
This was the way of it. The curly-tailed alae knew that Maui and Hina had only these four sons. and if any of them stayed on shore to watch the fire while the others were out in the canoe the alae kwew it by counting those in the canoe, and would not light the fire. So Maui-mua thought it over,ap and said to his brethren: "Tomorrow moring do you go fishing, and I will stay ashore. But do you take the calabash and dress it in kapa, and put it in my place in the eanoe, and then go out to fish.