Huge Diamond Found in Bangkok Sewer System
The largest recorded diamond ever discovered was unearthed
beneath the streets of lower Sukhumvit, Bangkok last week. The 37500 karat stone was stumbled upon by a team of maintenance workers cleaning out the sewer lines between soi‟s 89 and 90 last Friday night. According to witnesses, the stone was found by Mr. Supakorn, of Nakhon Phanom province. “I was walking through the sludge when suddenly I tripped over an obstacle and fell flat on my face. When I reached down to remove the object, I noticed it had a very fine surface, almost like glass, but it was so heavy I thought that maybe it was a piece of concrete. “When I looked at it close to the light, I couldn‟t believe my eyes”, he is reported to have told his boss. Mr. Supakorn was immediately taken back to headquarters where the account of his story was confirmed. The head office of Supakorn‟s company was inundated with friends and family wanting to know more about the precious stone. After hearing media reports of his finding, Mr. Supakorn then fled Bangkok not wanting to draw too much attention to himself. Attempts to find Mr. Supakorn by police and local authorities have been unsuccessful. The stone was reported to have been purchased by an unknown buyer from Dubai, going by the name of „Mr. T‟. After collecting the precious stone from Mr. Supakorn, a private jet was chartered to fly Mr. T, back to Dubai. The sale of the precious stone is said to have caused devastation to the team of maintenance workers. The sewers of Bangkok have since been overrun with prospectors looking to follow the fortunes of Mr. Supakorn.