Twenty four Black Bengal kids of 3–4 weeks old were divided
into three groups (Groups A–C) to equalize for initial weight, litter
size of their dam, parity and dam’s live weight. Each group consisted
of eight kids (5 females and 3 males in each group). They were
housed in 3 separate pens. In each pen, 8 kids were kept. The floor
space per kid was 13.33 sq. ft. The house was well ventilated. Every
day the floor, feeder and water trough were cleaned using phenyl as
antiseptic. Separate feeder was used for roughage and concentrate
feeding. The three groups of kids were fed individually on different
milk treatments as follows: A — 100% whole milk, B — 75% whole
milk + 25% soymilk, C — 50% whole milk + 50% soymilk.
Twenty four Black Bengal kids of 3–4 weeks old were dividedinto three groups (Groups A–C) to equalize for initial weight, littersize of their dam, parity and dam’s live weight. Each group consistedof eight kids (5 females and 3 males in each group). They werehoused in 3 separate pens. In each pen, 8 kids were kept. The floorspace per kid was 13.33 sq. ft. The house was well ventilated. Everyday the floor, feeder and water trough were cleaned using phenyl asantiseptic. Separate feeder was used for roughage and concentratefeeding. The three groups of kids were fed individually on differentmilk treatments as follows: A — 100% whole milk, B — 75% wholemilk + 25% soymilk, C — 50% whole milk + 50% soymilk.
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