With cows, 12 animals were of A1A1 genotype, 76
animals were of A1A2 genotype and 4 animals were of
A2A2 genotypes, i.e. the frequencies in cows were 0.13
(A1A1), 0.83 (A1A2) and 0.04 (A2A2). With bulls, 1
animal was of A1A1 genotype and 4 animals were of
A1A2 genotypes, i.e. the frequencies in bulls were 0.20
(A1A1) and 0.80 (A1A2). Bull´s (absence of A2A2 genotype) and cow´s genotypes (P=0.0053) were found
to deviate from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium according
to Fisher’s exact test.