VBA was used as the language to define and select
Fuzzimetric Arcs. The application requires three inputs: The
High School grade (out of 100), the EEE exam grade (out of
800) and the sophomore exam grade (out of 800 as well).
The system designed to shows the output of the Expected
CGPA calculated by Fuzzy inference using the Fuzzimetric
Arcs principle by tweaking (Tuning) the output with the
desired output (highlighted in blue background). In order to
be able to crossover two mutated halves of the fuzzy
variable, t factor (Mutation Factor) has been defined in three
sections leftT and RightT and MiddleT values although the
MiddleT is set to the default value of 30 and not used as part
of the mutation formulae.
The program is designed to search for the appropriate value
of t in both sections to match the desired boundaries first
and then, once the boundaries set, the system can find the
expected CGPA for the desired input(s). Currently, the
system designed with symmetrical mutation of both halves.
Running demo icon meant to show the varieties of fuzzy
variables definition and its effect to the output performance
when mutating each half on its own and hence obtaining the
results as shown in figures 6 and 7 respectively.