"A sixty dollar whore?" With that he placed another twenty on top of the other two.
She looked down at the money, then back up at him. Deciding to play his game she said, "Can't you find someone else to bother?"
"I'd much rather bother you."
"I don't like you. I don't like anything about you."
He leaned on the counter and lit a cigarette. "Feelings mutual, but a man's got needs and right now I want to finish what you
started behind that garage."
"There's nothing to finish."
He took a long drag on the cigarette giving her a skeptical look. "Rumor has it, for a good time, I can come in here and set some
bills on the counter and you'll take me somewhere private and show me what a real woman can do."
"I wouldn't give you a good time if you paid me a hundred dollars. I told you I don't do that."
"Then who does?"
"The other girl's, I guess. I don't and I won't with you."
"Is it just me or do you give your favors out to all those black men that come strutting up in here to pester you."
Nicole decided to keep him guessing. "That's none of your business."
He took one more drag on the cigarette before grounding the butt out in the tray on the countertop. "How much is it going to take
for you to please me?"
Continuing his verbal play, she leaned in the glass to give him her best seductive stare. "You couldn't afford me," she whispered.
"How much?" he asked again his eyes practically dancing like green Christmas tree lights now that he knew she was going to play
with him.
Did he crave verbal foreplay? Was that how he got his kicks? Making someone angry then sink to his level. Oh she would get him
good. "Five hundred dollars."
He flinched and she smiled triumphantly. "That's a lot. What do I get?"
She shrugged, not letting him see she was completely out of her territory. This was Cleo's business. "A lip job," she said borrowing
Cleo's terminology.
His eyes widened. "That's it? All I get is a good lip job? Hell for five hundred dollars, I could buy the whole lot of crack whores on
the corner and go to town for a day and a half."
"Then go down the street and get them, but here you pay."
"How will I know it's worth it?"
She knew this idiot couldn't have a thousand dollars on him, but she decided to tease him by leaning close to the window. If she
dropped her shoulders and pressed her bosom almost against the glass, it gave him a nice view down her shirt. "I'll make you scream for
"Damn!" He lit another cigarette and puffed even harder as if he were deep in thought. "But five bills is a lot."
She sat back in her seat loving the tease she had suddenly become. "You want a good time with me, that's what you have to pay."
"So you're going to guarantee me a lip job if I set five hundred dollars on this counter."
Knowing fully well he couldn't have money like that walking around in the hood, she said, "Yep."
He started puffing that cigarette like it was his life depending on it. "What about for five hundred dollars, I get two days worth of lip
service. That's two-fifty a day payable at the end of the service."
"You're trying to strike a bargain with a whore? Next thing you want is a warranty, huh?"