The present invention provides a transparent Xyloglucan/
Chitosan gel and a process to prepare the same Which com
prises of extracting the Xyloglucan from tamarind seed poW
der by a suitable solvent at a high temperature and
precipitating the Xyloglucan by alcohol and then modifying
the xyloglucan to form dialdehyde and making a co-polymer
With chitosan to form a therrno stable crystal clear, colourless
gel Which is stable at temperature —20 to 90. A transparent
chitam gel and a process for the preparation thereof C and pH
3-7, having an average molecular Weight of 4730 KDa and a
viscosity of 4100 centi Poises at 28120 C., not digested by
digestive enzymes in humans and does not contribute to calo
rie intake can be used as a food ingredient, and supplement
functional foods (nutritional care). This Xyloglucan/Chito
san gel has applications in the area of cosmetic and personal
care products, as an ultraviolet protective agent or as a tissue
adhesive Which can be used, including haemostasis, Wound
sealing, tissue engineering or localised drug delivery as cap
sules & tablets.