once,in England, when several Quaker parents were all taken away to jail, their children had faith so great that they continued to hold Meetings on their own. Jonathan would have been one of those children, Samuel thought.
he tried to recall those stories. it was no use. he could still hear Nathaniel's voice. it hurt so much to be called a coward, to have people look at you that way.
it had never been easy for his people to be accepted, but it had gotten worse since the war had begun. The Quakers made up only a few of the families settled on the east side of the Hudson a saratoga in New York. Most of the settlers were Dutch, English, or German. Befor the war begain, there had been those who disliked the Friends, but there were at least as many who had treated them well enough. Perhaps they would not accept the hand of friendship held out to the them the shaking of hands was a Quaker custom that few wished to copy,for it implied equality on both sides. but there had once been many who would smile at them on engage in conversation. it was not that way any longer