Creative thinking involves calling into question the assumptions underlying our customary, habitual ways of thinking and acting and then being ready to think and act differently on the basis of the critical questioning.
Components of Critical Thinking
Identifying and challenging assumptions.
Recognizing the importance of context.
Imagining and exploring alternatives.
Developing reflective skepticism.
Creative Thinkers
Consider rejecting standardized formats for problem solving.
Have an interest in a wide range of related and divergent fields.
Take multiple perspectives on a problem.
Use trial-and-error methods in their experimentation.
Have a future orientation.
Have self-confidence and trust in their own judgment.
Critical Thinking Involves
Recognizing underlying assumptions.
Scrutinizing arguments.
Judging ideas.
Judging the rationality of these justifications by comparing them to a range of varying interpretations and prospective.
Providing positive as well as negative appraisal.