Home: a simple word with many definitions. It changes its meaning a lot through the course of a lifetime. It starts out being where you grew up, where you and your family lived. It was a place where you could feel safe and make memories; memories of birthday parties, family gatherings or simply a dinner with your family. Usually a warm and concrete idea growing up, then, sooner than you think, it is time to leave the comfort of this place you spent 18 years. It is time to move on to college. After you move out of the dorms and into a house or apartment with your friends, the idea of home begins to form probably for the first time. It begins to form because no longer do you have to tell your parents where you are going, it is your first sense of independence. This is what happened for me; no longer do I say I am going home for the weekend, rather I am going to my parents’ house for the weekend.