Worksheet 153: Intimidation from Other Students
The student is to read over the situation on the worksheet in which one girl is trying to intimidate another. What skills did the second girl use to resolve the situation?
Answer Key:
First she tried to defend herself, but because the other girl was not really listening to her, she then decided to control her emotions and walk away.
Worksheet 154: Developing a Bad Attitude Toward School
The worksheet shows characters who are making comments that reflect a bad attitude toward school. The student is to write advice or a suggestion for each character.
Answer Key:
1. A good education will help you get a better job.
2. Are you asking questions if you don't understand?
3. Don't let others ruin your opportunity—or be an excuse.
4. Ask for extra credit or try to do independent projects.
5. be awake when the instruction is available.
6. Is that your life goal? Is it realistic?
7. What if you start missing more than you can handle?
8. That shows a lack of effort. What does that say about you as a worker?
Worksheet 155: Getting Involved in Extracurricular Activities
What extracurricular activities are available at your school? The student is to think about activities that he or she would like to have added. Discuss how these activities make school a more pleasant social place for students.
Answer Key (examples):
Grandparent's Day, Career Week, tour guides for new students, banquet for school volunteers
Worksheet 156: Giving Extra Effort Toward Excellence
How could the characters on the worksheet strive toward excellence—going beyond what is expected in these situations? The student is to offer suggestions on the lines provided.
Answer Key
1. Add length, references, visual aids.
2. Make a poster.
3. Have an interesting cover that will catch the reader's attention.
4. Take candid photographs of students at school, have them framed, make a collage, and so on.
Chapter 5 Using Social Skills at School