everybody says mamemon + metal mamemon appear RANDOMLY. ive been to factorial town and mud frigimons but never any look.
LEOMON - my rating for the city is like 89 or something and i have only just got that drillmon from drill tunnel and he opened up mt panorama were leomon supposedly is.. ive been in and out numerous times but nothing.. is he impossible to get now ive cleared the game and gone for him to late?
NANIMON - 1st - dino speedy region. 2nd - ogremons fortess. 3rd - numemons sewers. 4th - toy mansion. 5th - mt infinity? (ive checked but no sign of him) but it should be leomons ancestor cave.. but he isnt there.. is this because i do not have leomon? and i have messed up because i cant get him? it's really getting to me.. please help:D