Static and dynamic water contact angle measurements
The Young’s equation [31] for the contact angle (u) of a liquid
droplet can be applied only to a flat surface and not to a rough one.
The effect of surface roughness on wetting behavior is accounted
by the model developed by Wenzel, where it is assumed that the
space between the protrusions on the surface is filled by the liquid.
Wenzel had modified the Young’s equation as in the following
cos u0 ¼
rðgsv gslÞ
¼ r cos u (5)
where, gsv, gsl and glv are solid–vapor, solid–liquid and liquid–
vapor interfacial energies, respectively and u is the contact angle,
where r is the ratio between the true surface area and its horizontal
projection. In contrast, Cassie and Baxter [33] proposed an
cos u ¼ f ðcos u þ 1Þ 1 (6)
where, f is the area fraction of the liquid–solid contact to the
projected surface area. The Cassie–Baxter model suggested that the
surface traps air in the hollow spaces of the rough surface, so that
the droplet essentially rests on a layer of air. P.G. de Gennes [34]
explained a threshold roughness r* for air trapping;
r ¼ 1 þ
tan2 u
For low roughness (r < r*), the solid/liquid interface confirms to
the profile of the solid surface and the contact angle is given by
Wenzel’s law. Beyond a threshold r* (r > r*), air pockets are
trapped and Cassie–Baxter equation must be used to evaluate u*.
The sliding angle (SA) is the incline angle at which the tailing
edge of a drop of known mass will just begin to move and is a
manifestation of the force required to dislodge a liquid from a
surface. Droplets can move effortlessly due to gravitational forces
on slightly tilted surface. This means the frictional force is quite
small. The maximum frictional force can be calculated via the
formula given below [35]:
f max ¼ mg sin u (8)
where m and g are the mass of water droplet and the acceleration
due to gravity, respectively. Where, u represents the minimal
sliding angle of the water droplet on the hydrophobic surface.
Thewettability of a filmis reflected by the contact angle of water
on the surface. Fig. 4a–c shows images of water droplet on the silica
filmprepared fromMvalues of 0, 0.579 and 0.965, respectively. The
results given in Table 1 shows the change in static and dynamic
water contact angle values andmaximumfrictional force required to
slide a 10mgwater droplet on film surface, with increase inMvalue.
The sliding angle of the water droplet was observed by first placing
the water droplet on horizontal surface and then slowly tilting the
filmsurface until the droplet startsmoving. It is found that, the static
water contact angle increased and water sliding angle decreased
with increase in M values. The static water contact angle increased
from 658 to 1408 and water sliding angle decreased from 428 to 168
with an increase in M value from 0 to 0.965, respectively. No visual
water residue was left on the filmsurface and water droplets rolled