Henry walked over to the dresser and brought out three life jackets. And you’ll need to put these on.
Over your coats.
Aunt Daisy stared at the life jackets as if Henry was holding up clown costumes.
Henry I’m not taking the children out into the cold for some kind of drill Has Captain Smith lost his senses?
Of course not, Mrs. Key, Henry said. Now if you could get yourself and the children ready. I’ll be back in just a moment to see if you need any help.
He left them alone.
All right,George, Aunt Daisy said. I guess we’ll have another adventure to boast about when we get back. You get dressed. I’ll get Phoebe up
Aunt Daisy went to Phoebe’s bed, pulling aside the curtains.
George heard a gasp,and he rushed over.
Phoebe wasn’t there.
Where could she be? Aunt Daisy exclaimed. A cold feeling crept up George’s spine. Phoebe,his guardian angel. She must have woken up while George was gone, and now she was somewhere on ship. Searching for George.
He took a deep breath.
I went out exploring, George said. After you went to bed. I didn’t think Phoebe would wake up.She never does.
So she’s out there looking for you? Aunt Daisy said.
George nodded. She doesn’t want me getting into trouble. He kept his eyes glued to the floor. Aunt Daisy should be furious with him, and Papa was right George had no sense. Not one lick of sense.
How would they ever find Phoebe?
But then George had an idea…that lemon drop in the hallway.
Could it be?
He ran out into the corridor, which was still empty. It seemed Henry wasn’t having much luck getting people out of bed and up onto the deck.
George ran a little ways down the hall.
He hurried down a bit farther.
Yes Another lemon drop
Phoebe His smart sister
Aunt Daisy came up behind him
She’s left a trail of lemon drops, George said. Aunt Daisy looked confused.
Like Hansel and Gretel, George explained. She left a trail so she could find her way back.
George and Aunt Daisy scrambled to get dressed and put on their life jackets. Aunt Daisy brought Phoebe’s warmest coat, and George carried the extra life jacket. They’d quickly find Phoebe and head up to the boat deck. And tomorrow morning this would be a big joke to laugh at over breakfast.
George thought that Phoebe had gone to the promenade deck – that she’d been woken up