DVT is one of the important cause of maternal deaths.4 In
pregnancy, there is the alteration between prothrombotic
and anticoagulant factors, that increases fibrin deposition
and decreases fibrinolysis, resulting in a procoagulant
state.5 In the third trimester of pregnancy the flow velocity
in the lower limb is reduced by approximately 50%,6 and
50% of DVT in pregnancy are associated with inherited
or acquired thrombophilia.7 The most important risk
factors are multiparity, puerperium, post-operative periods,
infections, neoplasm, systemic lupus erythematosus and
hypercoagulability states
DVT is one of the important cause of maternal deaths.4 Inpregnancy, there is the alteration between prothromboticand anticoagulant factors, that increases fibrin depositionand decreases fibrinolysis, resulting in a procoagulantstate.5 In the third trimester of pregnancy the flow velocityin the lower limb is reduced by approximately 50%,6 and50% of DVT in pregnancy are associated with inheritedor acquired thrombophilia.7 The most important riskfactors are multiparity, puerperium, post-operative periods,infections, neoplasm, systemic lupus erythematosus andhypercoagulability states
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