The 2002 IUSSP Regional Population Conference represented an important event
for the College of Population Studies (CPS) and the Asia MetaCentre for Population and
Sustainable Development Analysis. As the Conference Coordinator, CPS felt very
privileged to have another opportunity to serve the regional community in the field of
population and development. In addition, this Conference drew more than 350 experts in
the field from all over the world.
This document is a product of the collaborative work of the International
Organising Committee for the 2002 IUSSP Regional Population Conference. I would like
to thank in particular Dr. Landis MacKellar and Dr. Mercedes B. Concepcion for
synthesizing the key conclusions and policy implications derived from the Scientific
Programme summaries prepared by the Session Organisers. Many thanks are also
extended to Dr. Mary Kritz and Dr. Napaporn Chayovan for their suggested amendments
while reviewing the report. In addition, the International Organising Committee and the
National Organising Committee of the 2002 IUSSP Regional Population Conference
would like to recognise the financial contribution of the Rockefeller Foundation for the
publication of this report.
Vipan Prachuabmoh, Conference Coordinator
College of Population Studies
Chulalongkorn University