Skeptics of the 7E7 were not in short supply and suggested that the name “Dreamliner”
was appropriate. To make the plane more fuel efficient, the 7E7 would be the first commercial
aircraft built substantially with carbon-reinforced material that was both stronger and lighter than
aluminum. In addition, Boeing was promising greater fuel efficiency by using a more efficient
engine. Boeing claimed that the use of composites would also reduce its manufacturing costs.
The goal would be to design a plane with fewer components that could be assembled in three
days as opposed to the existing 20 days it takes to rivet together the Boeing 767. The use of
composite materials however had its risks. First, composite materials were suspected as a
contributory cause to a plane crash in New York in 2001 and would therefore have to overcome
regulatory scrutiny. Second, Boeing would have to radically change its production methods. The
last time Boeing had made a major production change was in 1997 in an effort to cut costs.
However, the process was not smooth, resulting in two production lines being shut down for 30
days and hundreds of missed airline deliveries.
Skeptics of the 7E7 were not in short supply and suggested that the name “Dreamliner”was appropriate. To make the plane more fuel efficient, the 7E7 would be the first commercialaircraft built substantially with carbon-reinforced material that was both stronger and lighter thanaluminum. In addition, Boeing was promising greater fuel efficiency by using a more efficientengine. Boeing claimed that the use of composites would also reduce its manufacturing costs.The goal would be to design a plane with fewer components that could be assembled in threedays as opposed to the existing 20 days it takes to rivet together the Boeing 767. The use ofcomposite materials however had its risks. First, composite materials were suspected as acontributory cause to a plane crash in New York in 2001 and would therefore have to overcomeregulatory scrutiny. Second, Boeing would have to radically change its production methods. Thelast time Boeing had made a major production change was in 1997 in an effort to cut costs.However, the process was not smooth, resulting in two production lines being shut down for 30days and hundreds of missed airline deliveries.
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