We would like to inform about KD Part delivery problem tracking system (F149) project as detail below :
According to KD has delay packing that come from waiting supplier delivery replacement part .
If we found trouble from supplier delivery part we will issue document (F-K0-XX-0149) inform to Supplier for request them delivery replacement part
and take action of countermeasure but current process take long time from report method by manual and double process so this affect to next process
that supplier will send replacement part delay also.
Therefore we would like to improvement F149 process and will start new F149 system since on Sep 07,2015.
So, Can be reduce waste time from supplier delivery replacement part delay by apply system about :
1. Add function to operation recording part problem in the production line by use PDA to read ticket and record problem.
2. Add function for office to tracking data and follow up any problem by real time on PSINF02 program.
3. Add "Delivery problem follow up sheet" report by PDF and excel file.