that 90% of soy products and 60% of maize
products tested in South Africa contained GMOs.
How are the new varieties
Insect resistance: The bacterium Bacillus
thuringiensis (Bt) is toxic to certain insects. Scientists
incorporate the gene from this bacterium
that makes it toxic to insects, into the plant. The
production of this toxin in the plant protects it
against the insect attack. The GM plant becomes
known as, for example, Bt cotton or Bt maize.
Herbicide (weed killer) tolerance: A gene
from a bacterium is introduced into the plant to
make it less sensitive to harmful effects of herbicides.
In this way, herbicides can be used on
crops to kill weeds and invasive plants while not
affecting the crops.
Virus resistance: Genes from a virus which
causes disease are incorporated into the plant.
These genes allow the plant to become resistant
to the disease.
The specific GM technology used in South
African GM crops were all developed overseas.
Now South African scientists are researching and
developing GM crops to solve problems specific
to Africa, such as crops resistant to drought,
maize resistant to virus infection and crops with
improved nutritional content. For example, they
are transferring genes from the indigenous ‘resurrection’
plant Xerophyta viscose, which is naturally
drought tolerant, to crops which are
affected by drought. Maize resistant to a virus
called maize streak virus (a disease with a major
economic and social impact in sub-Saharan
Africa), is also being developed.
that 90% of soy products and 60% of maizeproducts tested in South Africa contained GMOs.How are the new varietiescreated?Insect resistance: The bacterium Bacillusthuringiensis (Bt) is toxic to certain insects. Scientistsincorporate the gene from this bacteriumthat makes it toxic to insects, into the plant. Theproduction of this toxin in the plant protects itagainst the insect attack. The GM plant becomesknown as, for example, Bt cotton or Bt maize.Herbicide (weed killer) tolerance: A genefrom a bacterium is introduced into the plant tomake it less sensitive to harmful effects of herbicides.In this way, herbicides can be used oncrops to kill weeds and invasive plants while notaffecting the crops.Virus resistance: Genes from a virus whichcauses disease are incorporated into the plant.These genes allow the plant to become resistantto the disease.The specific GM technology used in SouthAfrican GM crops were all developed overseas.Now South African scientists are researching anddeveloping GM crops to solve problems specificto Africa, such as crops resistant to drought,maize resistant to virus infection and crops withimproved nutritional content. For example, theyare transferring genes from the indigenous ‘resurrection’plant Xerophyta viscose, which is naturallydrought tolerant, to crops which areaffected by drought. Maize resistant to a viruscalled maize streak virus (a disease with a majoreconomic and social impact in sub-SaharanAfrica), is also being developed.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
that 90% of soy products and 60% of maize
products tested in South Africa contained GMOs.
How are the new varieties
Insect resistance: The bacterium Bacillus
thuringiensis (Bt) is toxic to certain insects. Scientists
incorporate the gene from this bacterium
that makes it toxic to insects, into the plant. The
production of this toxin in the plant protects it
against the insect attack. The GM plant becomes
known as, for example, Bt cotton or Bt maize.
Herbicide (weed killer) tolerance: A gene
from a bacterium is introduced into the plant to
make it less sensitive to harmful effects of herbicides.
In this way, herbicides can be used on
crops to kill weeds and invasive plants while not
affecting the crops.
Virus resistance: Genes from a virus which
causes disease are incorporated into the plant.
These genes allow the plant to become resistant
to the disease.
The specific GM technology used in South
African GM crops were all developed overseas.
Now South African scientists are researching and
developing GM crops to solve problems specific
to Africa, such as crops resistant to drought,
maize resistant to virus infection and crops with
improved nutritional content. For example, they
are transferring genes from the indigenous ‘resurrection’
plant Xerophyta viscose, which is naturally
drought tolerant, to crops which are
affected by drought. Maize resistant to a virus
called maize streak virus (a disease with a major
economic and social impact in sub-Saharan
Africa), is also being developed.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
90% ของผลิตภัณฑ์ถั่วเหลือง และ 60% ของข้าวโพด
ผลิตภัณฑ์ที่ทดสอบในแอฟริกาใต้ที่มี GMOs .
แมลงต้านทาน : แบคทีเรีย Bacillus thuringiensis ( Bt )
เป็นพิษต่อแมลงบาง นักวิทยาศาสตร์
ต่อแมลงโจมตี The GM plant becomes
known as, for example, Bt cotton or Bt maize.
Herbicide (weed killer) tolerance: A gene
from a bacterium is introduced into the plant to
make it less sensitive to harmful effects of herbicides.
In this way, herbicides can be used on
crops to kill weeds and invasive plants while not
affecting the crops.
Virus resistance: Genes from a virus which
สาเหตุโรครวมอยู่ในพืช ช่วยให้พืช
กับโรค โดยเฉพาะเทคโนโลยีที่ใช้ในแอฟริกาใต้ (
( พืชทั้งหมดถูกพัฒนาในต่างประเทศ .
ปัญหาเฉพาะในแอฟริกา เช่น พืชป้องกันภัยแล้ง ,
ข้าวโพดป้องกันการติดเชื้อไวรัส และพืช
improved nutritional content. For example, they
are transferring genes from the indigenous ‘resurrection’
plant Xerophyta viscose, which is naturally
drought tolerant, to crops which are
affected by drought. Maize resistant to a virus
called maize streak virus (a disease with a major
economic and social impact in sub-Saharan
Africa), is also being developed.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..