5. The Nutrition Fact of Strawberry described "red color (additive)" in ingredients but in the process & flow chart there is no description "red color added". The inspector asked which was correct. Your reply was that red color was not added. the nutrition fact was wrong and described mistakenly by you.
In addition, the ingredients of nutrition fact for all of your products indicated citric acid addition. But your original process & flow chart did not indicate citric acid addition. Sugar cane ingredient too. The inspector asked to submit a real process & flow char.
All of these questions and answers led the inspector to become suspicious about your flow chart and has decided that all the products must be analysed here at our expense.
You have experienced the export of dry fruits to Japan. You know the Japaneses quarantine system and how it is strict. That is why we trusted you and contracted. According to the inspection Authority, the inspection is all the same at any port in Japan. We do not think that this occurs particularly at this time nor depending to the inspector. We think you also assume responsibility for the delay of custom clearance. The products are still at custom office.
Our questions:-
How many times and at which stage do you usually measure residual SO2 content?
Is there any Thai regulation regarding when or which occasion residual SO2 should be measured during processing foods?
By the way today again the inspector instructed to modify your process & flow chart. Mr. Nagano is preparing modified ones. We will send you for your stamp soon.