Automarking (Cutrone & Chang, 2010), a learning management system, is capable of automarking once students submit their answers online. Through natural language processing, the student's answer is evaluated with semantic meaning. This is done through text pre-processing phase where the semantic meaning get 'special space'. The product of pre-processing phase is the canonical form. Comparisons between the canonical from the student’s response and the correct answer are compared to achieve the level of equivalence. Finally, appropriate grade values will be given. However, the system is unable to analyse multiple sentences based on the overall meaning. Although all the works above incorporate Bloom's taxonomy in their work, they do not categorise question based on the semantic of the text. A work from Chang and Chung (2009) is based on keyword matching while keywords are varied over researchers. Question categorization should imply the nature of the question and how the questions can help educators to identify the learner's cognitive level.