There were 20 facilities administering micafungin for
prophylaxis, almost half of the 45 facilities administering it
for treatment. The mean daily dose of micafungin used for
prophylaxis was 2.7 mg/kg, higher than the package insert
dosage. On the other hand, the mean daily dose of micafungin
for treatment was 4.6 mg/kg, which was in accord
with the Japanese guideline but was slightly higher than
IDSA guidelines recommendations.
The number of facilities administering fluconazole for
prophylaxis (40 facilities) and for treatment (42 facilities)
was almost the same. The mean daily dose of fluconazole
used for prophylaxis was 6.4 mg/kg, higher than the dosage
recommended by the Japanese guideline. On the other
hand, the mean daily dose of fluconazole used for treatment
was 8.9 mg/kg, slightly lower than the Japanese guideline
dose but in accordance with IDSA guidelines.
The number of facilities administering fosfluconazole for
prophylaxis (40 facilities) and for treatment (42 facilities)
was almost the same, as with fluconazole. The mean daily
dose of fosfluconazole used for prophylaxis was 6.7 mg/kg,
higher than the Japanese guideline recommendation