products and new strategies. The qualified men of yesterday can become tomorrow’s performers if their skills are
not enriched, transformed, adapted, the training becomes also a key element of any discrepancies and management
of human skills.
Beyond of a managerial new fashion or a panoply of modern tools, Philippe Zarifian militates for a business
management according to a logic of competence.
Training is one of the common solutions that can a conscious company adopts, that the skills development today
can have a significant competitive advantage. Large companies today include the training process in management of
their Human resources and in their strategic reflections, which encourage to initially defining a training strategy
which is reflected by implementing a management planning of employment and competences (GPEC).
Competence can be defined as the proven capacity of an individual to control and mobilize its resources and its
capacities: its knowledge, its know-how, its experience and its behavioural qualities with an aim to achieve an
objective set by the company.
In general, Zarifian defines competence like “catch of initiative and responsibility for the individual defines it
with professional situations with which he is confronted… Competence is a practical understanding of the situations
based on knowledge,… faculty to mobilize networks of actors around the same situations, to share challenges, to
assume fields of responsibility” .