Jog Your Mind is a multifactorial program created by
a multidisciplinary team of researchers and health
practitioners, aimed at promoting cognitive health in
older adults [76]. Taking the form of a group
workshop, Jog Your Mind includes cognitive
stimulation activities, memory strategy exercises, and
tools to promote self-efficacy and encourage lifestyle
habits related to cognitive health (e.g., independent
walking). The program targets a population of seniors
who are experiencing normal cognitive aging. This
program can be offered in a community setting, by
workers who have no specific expertise in cognition
such as, recreation practitioners and volunteers trained
to lead group activities. The program consists of 10
two-hour sessions for groups of 10 to 15 people. The
third session is focused on promoting PA (all
subsequent sessions include 10-minute segments on
PA). The main strategies used to promote PA and,
more specifically, walking are: personal reflection
using a questionnaire on sources of motivation; group
discussions on elements facilitating walking; the loan
of pedometers; the sharing of neighbourhood
resources for PA (e.g., safe walking trails); the
transmission of information in the form of games and
quizzes and the formulation of a personal PA goal.
Jog Your Mind is a multifactorial program created bya multidisciplinary team of researchers and healthpractitioners, aimed at promoting cognitive health inolder adults [76]. Taking the form of a groupworkshop, Jog Your Mind includes cognitivestimulation activities, memory strategy exercises, andtools to promote self-efficacy and encourage lifestylehabits related to cognitive health (e.g., independentwalking). The program targets a population of seniorswho are experiencing normal cognitive aging. Thisprogram can be offered in a community setting, byworkers who have no specific expertise in cognitionsuch as, recreation practitioners and volunteers trainedto lead group activities. The program consists of 10two-hour sessions for groups of 10 to 15 people. Thethird session is focused on promoting PA (allsubsequent sessions include 10-minute segments onPA). The main strategies used to promote PA and,more specifically, walking are: personal reflectionusing a questionnaire on sources of motivation; groupdiscussions on elements facilitating walking; the loanof pedometers; the sharing of neighbourhoodresources for PA (e.g., safe walking trails); thetransmission of information in the form of games andquizzes and the formulation of a personal PA goal.
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