Magnetic susceptibility data (2–300 K) were collected on powdered polycrystalline samples by SQUID magnetometer on Quantum Design model MPMS instrument under an applied magnetic
field of 0.1 T dependencies. Magnetization isotherm was collected
at 2 K between 0 and 5 T. All data were corrected for the contribution of the sample holder and diamagnetism of the samples estimated from Pascal’s constants[18]. The analysis of the magnetic
data was carried out by simultaneousvMT and vM(T) thermal
dependencies including temperature-independent paramagnetism
(TIP), impurity contribution (q), and intermolecular interaction (zJ).
The minimization was carried out with an adapted version of
Visualiseur-Optimiseurfor Matlab
[19,20] using nonlinear leastsquare Lavenberg–Marquard algorithm.