2.4. DSC measurement
The freezing point, enthalpy and apparent specific heat were measured by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) (DSC 8500, PerkinElmer, Sใo Paulo, Brazil). Fish burger samples (40 ฑ 1) mg were weighed in 50 lL aluminum pans and were hermetically sealed with a lid. Nitrogen at a flow rate of 20 mL/min was used as a carrier gas. Samples were cooled to _40 _C at 2 _C/min, equilibrated for 10 min, and then heated to 40 _C at 2 _C/min. An identical empty pan was used as reference during the experiments. The instrument was calibrated using indium (melting point: 156.60 _C
and heat of fusion (DH): 28.45 J/g). An identical pan with deionized water was run at the same scan rate and sample mass; and was adjusted as the baseline for the fish burger samples using the standard PerkinElmer DSC software method. Each thermogram was analyzed to determine the onset, enthalpy of fusion (DH in J/g) and apparent specific heat (Cpapp in J/g _C) using the DSC software.