Applicants should normally have obtained a first or second class pass in an honours or master's degree (this degree need not be in the subject area of proposed research) or be able to produce evidence of adequate training and ability or any equivalent qualifications. Master's by thesis students enrolled at Victoria may also be able to upgrade to a PhD. They must also have obtained TOEFL score of 575 with (preferably) a TWE of 5; or 237 on the computer-based test; or 90 on the internet-based test with a minimum 20 in writing; or IELTS overall band of 6.5 with no sub-score below 6.0; or a minimum of two ratings of 5 and two ratings of 4 in the Victoria University English Proficiency Programme test or equivalent to overall CAE score of 58 or above with no less than Borderline in each skill.