Naupliar development
The effects of A. anophagefferens on copepod development were examined by determining the success with which nauplii from the experiments underwent metamorphosis to copepodites. All naupliar stages used (NIV–NVI) had potential to molt into the copepodite stage after 48 h given that nauplii can melt from one stage to the next within 24 h when provided an adequate food source (J. Smith, personal observation). Due to the small percentage (roughly 10%) of nauplii molting into copepodites after the first 24 h of incubation in experiments 1 and 2, experiments were evaluated for longer time intervals ranging from 48 to 120 h. Experimental jars were removed from the plankton wheel and the contents emptied into glass dishes and observed using a dissecting microscope. Those individuals retrieved were classified as either “nauplius” or “copepodite” depending on whether or not molting had occurred. All contents were then returned to their corresponding jars and placed back on the plankton wheel.