Supportive Behaviors
Twenty-four supportive behavior items were scored.
Perceived supportive behavior impact scores (PSBIS)
ranged from 6.51–19.55 (see Table 3). The top supportive
behavior by impact score was allowing family members
adequate time to be alone with the patient after death,
followed by providing a peaceful bedside scene for
family after the patient has died, allowing family unlimited
access to the dying patient, and teaching family
members how to act around the dying patient.
The bottom three supportive behavior items were
having educational in-services on how to care for the
dying patient, having a fellow nurse observe patients
while the primary nurse “gets away,” and having the
physician meet in person with the family after the patient’s
death to offer support. Significant in all three of
those supportive behavior items was that size scores
for each item were relatively high, which indicated that
oncology nurses felt those items were important; however,
frequency scores for items were very low, which
indicated they rarely occurred.
Supportive BehaviorsTwenty-four supportive behavior items were scored.Perceived supportive behavior impact scores (PSBIS)ranged from 6.51–19.55 (see Table 3). The top supportivebehavior by impact score was allowing family membersadequate time to be alone with the patient after death,followed by providing a peaceful bedside scene forfamily after the patient has died, allowing family unlimitedaccess to the dying patient, and teaching familymembers how to act around the dying patient.The bottom three supportive behavior items werehaving educational in-services on how to care for thedying patient, having a fellow nurse observe patientswhile the primary nurse “gets away,” and having thephysician meet in person with the family after the patient’sdeath to offer support. Significant in all three ofthose supportive behavior items was that size scoresfor each item were relatively high, which indicated thatoncology nurses felt those items were important; however,frequency scores for items were very low, whichindicated they rarely occurred.
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