The authors would have made their points much more effectively by writing a thoughtful five
page essay describing their thesis. The points that they have to make are good ones. Those
points benefit not at all from being forced into a pseudo-research straitjacket. There’s no
need to vex Marcia for 24 pages. Leave her alone and tell us what you think and what you
feel and what you think we might do about it. Give us some sample exercises which you
think address the perceived problem directly, and let’s try them out. Don’t publish in a
journal like this one. Groucho Marx once said “I wouldn’t want to be a member of any club
that would have a guy like me as a member.” Well, this paper shouldn’t go into any journal
that would publish a paper like this. It should be rewritten as a human-to-human essay,
devoid of the research trappings, and published in some outlet for essays. It would be much
stronger for that. It wouldn’t incite people like me to point out why it isn’t research. It wouldn’t
pretend to be. That way we could relax, read it, and think about it – a big improvement.