(door opened)(footsteps)(sitting down)
Sorry for calling you here all of a sudden. Oh, it’s ok then. Yes, please come and sit here. (you sit next to him) The important thing I wanted to discuss about… It’s about us. Let’s live here, together. No, it’s not sudden! I’ve been thinking about this for quite a while. I’ll talk to your parents, so… Ok? (fists gripping) “A little while”…?! How long? What is that you have to think about? You mean you don’t want to live with me, right?! Hah… Did I hurt you? I’m sorry… I didn’t think I would overreact… Oh? Where are you going? To work…? Did you find a new one? Hey, c’mon, wait…! I‘m not following you. You don’t need to go your old workplace anymore, do you? Because you’ve resigned already. It’s alright. I took care of the paperwork. Why did I do that, you ask me? Hey, are you asking me that for real? Heh… I’m sorry for taking care of the procedures without telling you… but now be a good girl, and listen to me, ok? I told you that night… that I would protect you no matter what, didn’t I? Stop going to work, and take a little rest from university as well… so you can stay here with me all the time. I won’t let you go home… until you agree, you hear me? Then? What do you say?