My Dream World
I have a beautiful world in my dreams
My dream world is very peaceful
In my dream world, no one is harmed by another
In my dream world, everyone loves each other
In my dream world, everyone thinks about peace
Unity and brotherhood exist
Women and men work together
No one says that this woman is bad
because she works with men
In my dream world, no women suffer problems
because of being a woman.
In my dream world, all girls and boys
get an equal education.
In my dream world, life is very beautiful
Everyone is happy
Young and innocent people
are not being killed
There are no insurgents, no insecurity
Everyone has a comfortable life
Everyone is relaxed,
not worrying about their children
going to school
Students come back healthy,
not killed in a suicide attack.
In my dream world, mothers are happy
They are not in sorrow
over their children’s death
In my dream world, no newly married girls
become widows
My dream world is a green color
where everyone is happy
My dream world and my world,
I hope, become the same one day
By Seeta
Dream of My MotherIn "Shogofa"
Dreams like SugarIn "Roya"
My Father’s StoryIn "Marzia"
July 31, 2009 Replies« PreviousNext »
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Christine on August 5, 2009 at 8:50 pm
This is absolutely beautiful. Thank you for sharing.
friend on August 10, 2009 at 3:38 pm
thank you
utsav on January 14, 2010 at 10:47 am
this poem is outstanding
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