Coccidiosis is one of the most detrimental and
lethal managemental disease of poultry. It causes
high mortality in affected flocks. Many
anticoccidial drugs have been developed and
introduced in the poultry industry all over the
world. Since Levine (1939) discovered that
sulfanilamide cured coccidiosis in chickens,
various anticoccidial feed additives, predominantly
polyether ionophorous antibiotics, have been
developed and used (Matsuda et al., 1989). While
effective for avian coccidiosis, the continuous use
and misuse of anticoccidial drugs have led to the
emergence of drug-resistant strains (Long, 1982;
Ruff and Danforth, 1996).
To prevent the emergence of drug resistant strains,
new drugs have been developed and administered
on a rotational basis with existing drugs. However,
this has resulted in the increased cost of poultry
products. Furthermore, drug- or antibiotic-residue
in the poultry product is potentially annoyance to
Coccidiosis is one of the most detrimental andlethal managemental disease of poultry. It causeshigh mortality in affected flocks. Manyanticoccidial drugs have been developed andintroduced in the poultry industry all over theworld. Since Levine (1939) discovered thatsulfanilamide cured coccidiosis in chickens,various anticoccidial feed additives, predominantlypolyether ionophorous antibiotics, have beendeveloped and used (Matsuda et al., 1989). Whileeffective for avian coccidiosis, the continuous useand misuse of anticoccidial drugs have led to theemergence of drug-resistant strains (Long, 1982;Ruff and Danforth, 1996).To prevent the emergence of drug resistant strains,new drugs have been developed and administeredon a rotational basis with existing drugs. However,this has resulted in the increased cost of poultryproducts. Furthermore, drug- or antibiotic-residuein the poultry product is potentially annoyance to
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