Dear Asst./HOD,
Please be informed that in order to ease the difficulty of your planned days with MOD schedule. GM has an idea for all of you guys and need your vote/agreement on this new system. At present, average of MOD per month of Asst/HOD will be entitled MOD 2 days for level 3 – 4 and 3 days for level 2. These are be split into any week during a month.
New proposed system is MOD days will be running in sequence in one single week and finish. For example, Khun Monthon will be assigned consecutively to be MOD from 1st Wednesday July 2015 and 2nd Thursday July 2015. It is 2 days of MOD already done for FBM for month of July 15.
This new initiative working method will eliminate of worrisome day for the whole month and be effective in many ways.
Let’s Khun Usawasan know your thought by reply to her in short YES OR NO and no need to cc GM or anyone. If there is no reply from you, She takes it as answer of YES.
Dear Khun Usawasan,
Please propose me that anyone is potential to take challenge to be MOD as well. If young girl as Khun Joy can do, I think others should be able to do as well.