Results and Discussion
1. Anatomy of ‘Sattabhud’
lotus petals on the first day
The petals of ‘S
attabhud’ lotus were composed of one-cell
layer of upper on lower epidermis. The
cell had a nipple papilla shape, 3 sides rather thick of
cell wall, and some cells con
tained phenolic compound in
the cytoplasm. The mesophyll layer con
sisted of 1 - 3 layers of parenchy
ma cells, in compact arrangement
beneath the epidermal layer. The parenchyma cells were round
or polyhedral in shape, rather thick in cell walls
and consisted
of numerous phenolic compound in all of the cells
and resin substance in some cells. In the middle
region of petals, the parenchyma and aer
enchyma cells were rather
loose in arrangement fo
rming a large air space.
The air spaces were alternately arranged with vascular bu
ndle. The dispersed resin cel
ls were commonly found in
the middle of petals and in the vascular tissues. The va
scular tissue was composed of phloem and xylem in the
collateral type arrangement (Fig. 1 - 2).