Microalgae is a biofuel crop that needs large amounts of water and nutrients in cultivation stage and requires excessive energy at
the downstream processes. this study presented an integrated plantation concept to accomplish these issues by material and
energy balance optimization of microalgae based biodiesel production cycle. Significant potency of positive energy balance by
utilizing agriculture waste water from Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME) was comprehensively investigated. However, POME has
rich nutrient compounds for microalgae growth and its utilization reduces energy penalty. The total energy balance indicated
substantial figures, in range of 2.66 up to 3.05 or even higher following the system efficiency. Meanwhile, total energy output for
1 production cycle in 10 ha microalgae pond approximately 160 GJ and net energy produced reaches 100 GJ. Based on current
best available methods or technologies, microalgae cultivation for biofuels by using wastewater provide a positive energy return
and might be economically viable.