#1039: Half Emperor Realm
„Wa Wa” “呜哇” The palm no small matter of that white hair old man, Han Qingyu flies to fall, just like a sharp sword, unexpectedly several exceedingly high big trees, hitting, this falls falls on the place. 那白发老者的一掌非同小可,韩擎宇飞落而下,宛如一把利剑,竟将数颗通天大树,给撞断开来,这才摔落在地。 After he falls to the ground, the dust shoots up to the sky, the earth starts to cave , a profound big hole, reappeared in the common people at present, but with the proliferation of that big hole, knew how things stand a big tree, along with it dropping down. 他落地之后,灰尘冲天而起,大地开始塌陷,一座深邃的大坑,浮现在了世人的眼前,而伴随着那大坑的扩散,又有数颗大树,随之倒下。 „Sir Head Teacher?” All come extremely sudden, after Han Qingyu falls to fall, but next, the people note, originally that stands before the Chu Feng body, hits the old man who a Han Qingyu palm pats, is their Sir Head Teacher. “掌教大人?”一切来的太过突然,当韩擎宇坠而落而下之后,人们才注意到,原来那位站在楚枫身前,将韩擎宇一掌打拍下的老者,正是他们的掌教大人。 „Congratulates Sir Head Teacher, succeeds to break through Half Emperor Realm, becomes one generation of Half Emperor powerhouses.” But after seeing this moment south forest Head Teacher sending out the power and influence, numerous position Elder on the scene is wild with joy, the space is underground, is hurries to kneel down to salute. “恭喜掌教大人,成功突破半帝境,成为一代半帝强者。”而看到此刻南林掌教散发的威势后,在场的众位长老皆是狂喜,无论是天上还是地下的,都是赶忙下跪施礼。 After this, numerous position disciple also responded that hurried to kneel down to salute, and shouted loud, and on most people's face, but also full was the excited color. 在此之后,众位弟子也反应过来,赶忙下跪施礼,并且高声呼喊,且大部分人的脸上,还满是兴奋之色。 Just, compares in other Elder and disciple, Han Family Elder and disciple, although has knelt at this moment, and shouts loud, however on their faces, in fact not excited, on the contrary full is flustered and restless. 只不过,相比于其他长老和弟子,韩家的长老和弟子,尽管此刻也是跪了下来,并且高声呼喊,但是他们的脸上,实际上并没有兴奋,相反满是慌张与不安。 Because, no matter their Sir Head Teacher, the present is what Xiuwei, but formerly a Head Teacher palm, patted from the space Han Qingyu has gotten down this is the fact, this explained the Chu Feng indeed no small matter, otherwise being insufficient let Sir Head Teacher, got rid to penalty Elder, their Han Family this time, perhaps really wanted disaster is imminent. 因为,不管他们的掌教大人,如今是何修为,但是先前掌教一掌,将韩擎宇从天上拍了下来这是事实,这说明楚枫的确非同小可,否则不至于让掌教大人,对刑罚长老出手,他们韩家此次,恐怕真的要大祸临头了。 „Half Emperor? What boundary is Eggy this?” However compares in other people, the key point of this moment Chu Feng attention, is actually not the arrival of this Head Teacher, but is cultivation of this Head Teacher is. “半帝?蛋蛋这是什么境界?”但是相比于他人,此刻楚枫关注的重点,却并非是这位掌教的到来,而是这位掌教的修为。 Because arrives before south forest Head Teacher, Chu Feng is indistinct to feel that a formidable aura is approaching, that aura is not Chu Feng induces voluntarily, is the opposite party intends to transmit to Chu Feng, reason that the opposite party by doing so, seems intends to tell Chu Feng, should not be afraid, he protects Chu Feng to be the same immediately. 因为在南林掌教来到之前,楚枫就隐约间感觉到,一股强大的气息正在靠近,那个气息并非是楚枫自行感应到的,是对方有意传递给楚枫的,对方之所以这样做,似乎就是有意告诉楚枫,不要害怕,他马上就来保护楚枫一样。 At that time, Chu Feng guessed mostly that caught up with the human rapidly, was Azure Tree South Forest Sir Head Teacher, therefore Chu Feng will be secure. 那个时候,楚枫多半就已经猜测到,那急速赶来之人,就是青木南林的掌教大人,所以楚枫才会有恃无恐。 But Chu Feng is startled at present, is cultivation of this Sir Head Teacher is, at first, Chu Feng feels is very strange, the aura of this Sir Head Teacher, is completely different from Martial King, is aura above Martial King, but Martial Emperor also completely is different. 而楚枫眼下吃惊的,乃是这位掌教大人的修为,起初,楚枫就感觉很奇怪,这位掌教大人的气息,与武王完全不同,乃是一种在武王之上的气息,但是与武帝却又也完全不同。 This makes Chu Feng somewhat dumbstruck, properly speaking, above Martial King is Martial Emperor, but this Sir Head Teacher, actually situated in Martial King and Martial Emperor, is strong in Martial King, but actually weak in Martial Emperor, such unique aura, lets Chu Feng is very blurry. 这让楚枫有些发懵,按理来说,武王之上是武帝,可这位掌教大人,却是介于武王与武帝之间,也就是强于武王,但却弱于武帝,这样独特的气息,让楚枫很是迷糊。 However the human, shouts in the presence of everyone after with one voice said „Half Emperor” this glossary, Chu Feng has been suddenly enlighted, originally this Sir Head Teacher was the Half Emperor powerhouse, but Chu Feng has not actually heard, had a Half Emperor such boundary, therefore then hurried to consult to Eggy.