Note: 1/ Designated TTRs for Singapore to be submitted at the time of deposit of Instrument of Ratification for Protocol 1 of the ASEAN Framework Agreement on the Facilitation of Goods in Transit.
Source: Thailand Report “The Updated Status of the AHN Project” Presented to 29th Senior Transport Official Meeting in Brunei Darussalam (1-3 June 2010); ASEAN Secretariat
8. As for rail infrastructure, the SKRL flagship project was proposed at the Fifth ASEAN Summit in December 1995 and targeted for completion by 2015. It covers several routes through Singapore–Malaysia–Thailand–Cambodia–Viet Nam–China (Kunming) and spur lines in Thailand–Myanmar and Thailand–Lao
9. Currently there are 4,069 kilometres of missing links or links which need to be rehabilitated in six Member States including Cambodia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Thailand and Viet Nam. Due consideration should be given to CLMV countries with regard to securing both financial and technical assistance from ASEAN, its dialogue partners and other international organisations to help them in the undertaking of the SKRL project.