All historical financial statement data, stock
price, market capitalization, and trading volume are
obtained from Datastream database during 1994
to 2008. Equity issuance data are obtained from
SETSMART, a sophisticated database consisting of
all important news for each Thai public listed
company. The sample excludes firms in the
banking, finance and securities, and insurance
sector, as well as property funds, and companies
under rehabilitation since they require different
framework for financial statement analysis.
Property funds are excluded as they themselves
are simply listed in the stock market for ease of
investor’s transferability, and hence their business
nature and income are similar to the owner of the
fund. Therefore, inclusion of these property funds
might cause redundancy and autocorrelation of
sample. We also apply the trimming procedures to
dispose extreme values at 1st and 99th percentile
because the distribution of stock returns is largely
influenced by outliers. The final sample consists