Where first of all consider that your vows to each other are made in the presence of God who remembers your pledges and who holds you responsible for performing them. I encourage you to share willingly and sympathetically your joys and sorrows, your successes and your struggles, and to be neither conceited by the former nor depressed by the latter. Whichever may prevail cling closely to each other that the defeats may be met by united strength and victories by united joy. I charge you to make your home a place where you will have a refuge from the storm of life, not only for yourselves but also for others who may be your guests. Let it be a haven for the weary. A source of uplift for the discouraged and a convincing testimony of God's love to a cynical world. In short, recognize the lord Jesus Christ as the head of your house, the ruler of your destinies, the object of your deepest affection. If you do so he will confirm your marriage by his guidance and he will overshadow it with his peace. Josh and Anna, as you enter this sacred institution of marriage do you commit to love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength. Joshua placing yourself unto the headship of Christ, faithful to lead Anna in the ways of the Lord as her priest, protector, and provider. Anna, placing yourself under the leadership of Joshua submitting to his authority as his helpmate, being loyal, supportive, following his direction through Christ in your lives. Also, do both of your commit to trust God with the size of your family, allowing him to determine the timing of each child and as parents training them in the ways of God.