height of the tree or the spread of the foliage mass,
whichever is greatest.
2. The container should complement the rhythm, texture,
and color of the bonsai.
D. The soil surface and ground covers should be tended without
appearing to be artificially groomed.
E. If wire remains on the tree the wiring should be done
skillfully and not in such a manner as to detract from the
appearance of the tree.
A. The result for which we all strive is harmony. Webster’s
New Twentieth Century Dictionary defines harmony as:
“...fitting together, agreement, a combination of parts into
an orderly or proportionate whole, congruity,
proportionate arrangement of color, size, shape which is
pleasing to the eye...”
B. Harmony in a bonsai composition is achieved by the
application of various artistic techniques, many of which are
summarized in a slide/tape program titled, Harmony in
C. The next chapter in this Syllabus explores harmony further.
A. Bonsai is a horticultural art form. Horticultural principles
keep it alive and healthy and artistic principles make it
B. Many factors contribute to a bonsai’s appearance of great age.
C. The artistic and aesthetic appearance of the bonsai are
enhanced by the rhythm, or the visual flow of the