Fig. 2. Effects of packaging and storage time on the MetMb% of snowflake beef steaks
under simulated retail conditions at 4 °C (80%O2-MAP: 80% O2 + 20% CO2; 50%O2-MAP:
50% O2 + 30% CO2 + 20% N2; CO-MAP: 0.4% CO + 30% CO2 + 69.6% N2; VP: vacuum
packaging). Error bars represent standard errors. a–c
Means within the same storage day
with different letters differ (P b 0.05). w–z
Means within a package with different letters
differ (P b 0.05). Packaging, P b 0.001. Storage time, P b 0.001. Packaging × storage time,
P b 0.001.