Again, the screen of the GlideScope was bout 10 blurry and showed no view of the oropharynx or vocal uled for cords.
At this point, use of the GlideScope was aban harynx.
oned and an attempt was made to intubate the trachea as seen with a Macintosh blade, size 4.
This attempt was success- in his ful. The placement of the regular endotracheal tube, size bucket.
8.0 mm, was confirmed with auscultation of the lungs for d blood bilateral air entry and positive end-tidal carbon dioxide.
The cricoid pressure was then released.
The oxygen satu- oglobin ration was restored quickly to 100%,
from as low as 60% platelet for about 30 seconds during apnea or failed intubation were as b After the proper positioning of the patients head, the mmol/L;
surgical team proceeded with exploration of the orophar- serum ynx.
A single bleeding spot was identified and cauterized L; and Once the onopharynx appeared to be dry,
the trachea and e intra- the stomach were suctioned for an estimated 100 mL of of 0.9% blood.
After hemostasis was confirmed,
the patient was er.
The extubated by following the criteria of an awake-patient blood extubation.
The patient was taken to the poslanesthesia rations,
care unit,