therapeutic interviewing, clarification and interpretation leading to an insight. A. Counseling-marriage, occupational, family, school, etc. B. Therapeutic Interviewing-family and marital therapy. C. Clarification D. Interpretation and Insight E. Psychological support. F. Resource utilization G. Environment modification. V. Monitoring and Evaluation: Monitoring provides crucial feedback to case worker and the client regarding 1. Whether the treatment program is succeeding as desired. 2. Whether established goals have been achieved. 3. Whether modifications in the program are necessary. 4. Whether the client is being helped in real sense. Importance of Monitoring and Evaluation The purpose of Evaluation is to see if the efforts of the case worker are yielding any result or not, if the techniques used are serving the purpose, and if the goals are being achieved. Evaluation is the process of attaching a value to the social work practice. It is the method of knowing what the outcomes are. It is a continuous process. Evaluation of the approach used and result should be taken up with the client so that the efforts are meaningfully utilized. Evaluation will further strengthen the relationship between the caseworker and client and motivate the client to work towards his goal. Casework practices need to be evaluated from time to time. The subject needs to be tested and researched and most importantly needs ongoing validation. They need to be proved to the public that they are effective and beneficial to the clients.