2.7.2. Guinea-pig ileum
Guinea-pigs (weighing 400–550 g; n = 10) of local breed and
either sex, starved for 24 h, were caringly sacrificed by cervical
dislocation and the ileum was isolated out (Mehmood and Gilani,
2010). The tissues were prepared, equilibrated and stabilized by
following the above mentioned procedure in Section 2.7.1. The
contractile responses in the tissues were recorded using similar
isotonic transducers as used for rabbit jejunum. After getting the
constant responses of the submaximal concentrations of ACh, the
CRCs of ACh were constructed in the absence and presence of the
test material for the assessment of the anticholinergic and/or Ca2+
antagonist like activities (Gilani et al., 2008; Khan and Gilani, 2009).