TINY TEXT - This doesn’t mean text that is too small to see. It means reduce and edit your text to only the essential SUPER SMILE - Steve Jobs used to smile all the time during his keynote speeches. When you send out a smile it comes back to you. If you physically engage with your audience, you will also engage them mentally. If you look like you’re having fun, your audience probably will too. This is a famous moment when Steve Jobs was having fun and playing with the brand new iPhone. He called Starbucks to order 4,000 coffees to go. Look at his smile - he’s only making a phone call - but he’s enjoying it… and so did his audience. It’s a little story that’s easy to remember. As well as showing enthusiasm with exaggerated body language, Steve Jobs showed massive enthusiasm with the language he used - fantastic, amazing, incredible, extraordinary. When you are excited, it’s difficult for your audience to resist - See more at: http://www.stgeorges.co.uk/blog/steve-jobs-presentation-skills-video-business-english#sthash.FkmYCxp2.dpuf